Monday, November 23, 2015

Hot Water Irrigation -rejuvenates the feminine parts.

One of our GYNO Aviva instructors found this protocol in medical school books from the 50's.

There is no laboratory formula to it, it has never been patented, consequently
it got missed out from recent protocols. 

However, among many other women, my teacher (Livia Toth) experienced it's wonderful healing power in a super painful condition, that was pushing her towards radical surgery. During her third delivery the uterus slipped, she was diagnosed with P.O.P., Pelvic Organ Prolapse. Her gyno's recommended hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), that she refused.
Difficult years followed. After refusing medical "help" that her doctors offered, she could not count on their support when she was exhausted to work due to all the bleedings, pain and weakness. They didn't give her the slip to be able to stay at home for a day and keep her job. 

For years she hasn't found the solution and was living with all symptoms that an increased severity of POP associated with. Such as urinary and faecal incontinence, sexual dysfunction, irregular bleedings, etc. 

Until she heard about this old medical protocol, the Hot Water Irrigation, along couple of exercises that further helped her in rejuvenating the lost inner balance.

The exercises we practice during Endo-Gym classes and I teach on my workshops. You are welcome to come and try. With regards to the irrigation here I'm sharing the recipe.

The Cure is 3 months long. During pregnancy it's highly prohibited.
It's well recommended an alkalizing diet alongside.
Start on the 4th days of the periods (or on the 4th following day after new moon).
In the first 11 days irrigate both in the mornings and the evenings.
The next 10 days irrigate only in the evenings.
The following 7-8 days you take a break, the periods will happen without irrigation.
Restart the irrigation on the 4th day of the periods again.

The jar to hold the water needs to have at least a capacity of 2 liters from the old school.
If you remember of those... Fancy designs that offer you to pump the liquid into your body or the vaginal cleansing balls are not sufficient for this purpose. Look for the old fashioned jar that you can hang up or hold above your head and leads the water to your body through a longer pipe.

Fill the jar with 2l warm water that you set to  44 degrees / 111.2 Fahrenheit.
It's not easy to find thermometer that measures up to such high temperature...
For me it toke one week. At the end of the first week of my cure 
I found the thermometer in a pet shop at the aquarium division.
That's how I learnt that just by hand feel you can't judge! 
You absolutely need the thermometer.
I was always thinking that the temperature has to be just bearable,
but when I had the thermometer it turned out, that just bearable for me is close to 50 degrees / 122 Fahrenheit...
If it's 44 degrees in the jar, by the time it enters the body it will cool down a little. As expected, to 43 degrees / 109.4 Fahrenheit.
Setting the right temperature is challenging sometimes.
You will find yourself taking half a liter of cooler or warmer water out from the jar, 
then the opposite back in, etc, until you get to the right temperature.
Bare with it! Practice makes master.
When you have the right temperature add 2 tablespoons of salt 
to the water and wait till it fully dissolves.
At the end of the process it's recommended to apply natural oil 
on the vaginal wall as high as you can reach and keep the body warm.

According to experience the cure was found efficient in case of 
bacterial, fungal, even viral (HPV) infections, further in case of severe P.O.P.

I happily found that the cure has a significant rejuvenating effect 
on the intim body parts!!! 

For those, who are more sensitive to heat, above device is developed 
(see the picture), so the water pouring back is led in a separate pipe, 
not touching the skin. 
To do the irrigation standing or sitting in a bathtub is perfect. 
My teacher was sensitive to heat, and she didn't have above double pipe system.
She found that laying in a bathtub is the safest.
This position may also help to get the water as high up as possible in case of using above device, which has a short head.

Note: don't go to spa or swimming pool during the cure! 

Enjoy the benefits!
and let me know about your experience!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Gluten Free Biscuit

Ingredients for the base:
2x200 gr soft butter
150 gr Coconut fat
3x 100 gr brown cane sugar
3 eggs
2x300gr rice flour
300 gr finely grinded coconut  
1 table spoon of cinnamon

For the almond biscuit: 100 gr finely chopped almond
For the berry biscuit: 300 gr finely chopped raisins and dried red berries
For the chocolate biscuit: 300 gr chopped black chocolate

Mix the butter with the sugar with a mixer, add the eggs and then the rest. 
Separate the though to three parts and add the three different seasoning to each ball.
Put each dough into a plastic box and place it in the fridge or freezer.
Leave them there for minimum 1hr.

Before baking, take them out of the fridge or freezer on time, so they can be kneaded.
By the time the oven gets to 175 degrees, 
you can be ready with laying the different shapes to a tray, and start baking.
20 minutes baking time is enough.


Monday, October 5, 2015

Gluten Free Apple Pie

2 x3dl cup of rice flour
1 x3dl cup of finely grinded coconut
1x3dl cup of brown cane sugar
250gr butter
3 egg yolk
3 egg white beaten
1 tee spoon of cinnamon
1 coffee spoon of sodium bicarbonate
3 table spoon milk

2 kg apples grinded
1 table spoon of cinnamon

Apply butter in a bigger cake dish, 
Mix the ingredients of the dough, 
take the 2/3rd and press it to 1 cm thick into your buttered dish;
Mix the apple with the cinnamon,
and apply the 2/3 of it on the top of the dough laid in the dish,
Mix the rest of the apple and dough and
lay it on the top of the cake with a spoon.
Bake it in preheated oven (180 degrees) to about 20-30 minutes.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Home Made Sourdough Bread

300g full grain spelt
300g Sourdough -home made
2 teaspoon salt
luke warm water
seeds according to preference

Mix all ingredients together with as much water as the dough requires to be soft.
Keep it in a warm place for a day;
The day next mix it again with a little bit of additional flour so that the dough gains elasticity,
then shape it to form and let it grow.

Bake it on 250 degrees for 10 minutes, then apply water ont he top and bake it on 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes,

How to prepare sourdough

Mix 100g of the flour with 125ml slightly warm water. Whisk the batter until smooth and lump free, whisking will help incorporate some airborne yeast particles to get your starter going. Leave the jar or container lid ajar for an hour or so in a warm place (around 25C is ideal), then seal and set aside for 24 hrs.

For the next 6 days you will need to ‘feed’ the starter each day. To do this, tip away half the original starter and add an extra 100g of flour and 125ml slightly warm water, whisking well each time, try to do this at roughly the same time everyday. After 3-4 days you should start to see bubbles appearing on the surface, and it will smell yeasty and a little acidic. This is a good indication that the starter is working. The time it takes for fermentation to begin can vary between 1 to 5 days depending on temperature and environment, persevere for up to 6 days, if you still don’t see any signs of life, or the starter smells unpleasant, throw it away and start again. On the 8th day the starter should be quite bubbly and smell much sweeter. It is now ready to bake with.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Overcoming an ectopic pregnancy with Aviva Dance -Adrienne Hudak's story

In he first trimester Adrienn Hudakne Toth (Nyiregyhaza, Hungary) was diagnosed with embryo implanted in the fallopian tube. Her GYN recommended her to come back for control couple of times weekly, so he can monitor what's happening, and if the pregnancy remains ectopic, for the best, he would have to do a surgery around the 12th week. Worried that she would lose one of her ovaries, she practiced one of the Aviva exercises every day for 5 minutes. After three weeks her GYN found out, that the embrio has moved down to the uterus and implanted there. In January 2015 she delivered a healthy baby boy. 
She asked me to add, that she believed in the success all way long. 
Her Aviva instructor is Tünde Orosz.

Aviva Teachers find on
Classes in and around Brussels:

Monday, January 26, 2015

Eat Yourself Into Hormonal Health

EAT WHAT YOU COOKED, cooking workshop on Friday, 30. Jan, 
19:00 Tervuren-Vossem (outskrit of Brussels).

Lentil soup from Indian dhal; 

Indian Vegetable dish and Indian roti from wholegrain spelt without yeast - both with healing spices (e.g. ajowan); 

Fresh vegetable salad with cold pressed oils and smoked salmon;

Those with Endo subscription can participate from Eur35, for those without subscription it's Eur40.
Get in touch with Kat, places are limited: 04999 85091 or send a message on

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Aviva Baby from an exceptional ovulation

Little Simon is two month old now!He's growing fast and eating healthy.

He's an Aviva Baby!

A wonderful fruit of the reproductive hormone stimulating Aviva Method.

Anna, the mom, used to come to practice the Aviva Dance to our Friday classes at the European Committee to prepare her body for conception. We have several occasions in the Brusselian lunch breaks when we enjoy all benefits of the Aviva Method. 

One Friday, we agreed that she would do the targeted movements and contractions super strong in order to stimulate a better ovulation. The next ovulation was due to come couple of days further the line.
Anna succeeded so well, that she had an exceptional ovulation in the very next day, out of her normal cycle.
The weekend is the best time to conceive, isn't it.

This is what happened, and today the happy parents can hold little Simon in their embracing arms.

Aviva Initiations in Belgium: once a month in Tervuren
Time table
Practice Classes: European Commission Brussel, Eu Committee Brussel, Vossem, Tree Yoga House Tervuren.
Time Table
Get in touch with Katalin: or 04999 8591